About Me

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Native of Dallas, Texas. Grew up in Pleasant Grove in the '60s. I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, friend who loves to spend time with family and friends, in addition to reading, traveling, and gardening.

The Outside World

The Long Hot Summer of 2011

Gee, it's been a hot summer so far! 

Keeping cool in the pool.

According to the 'law's" of aerodynamics,
that bumble bee can't fly. ;-)

I've been able to put more color in the garden this year.
My gardening activities - watering, weeding, planting, etc. - take place before 10AM. 

Whitney enjoying a shady spot.
Happy Little Garden Frog.

I work on my inside projects - cleaning, baking, cooking, sewing, painting, retouching, reading, etc. - until the outside temp drops to a 'cool' 90 degrees. ;-)

Future site of before/after exterior home improvement projects.