About Me

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Native of Dallas, Texas. Grew up in Pleasant Grove in the '60s. I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, friend who loves to spend time with family and friends, in addition to reading, traveling, and gardening.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Last Saturday of Nov 2011.

Had a fun morning with the Lubbock folks...

Olive enjoying a cracker

Pez, please?

Ella hung the stockings with care.

Pez for Ella.


Too cute. Ella, not BoomPa.

Now that BoomPa has put the batteries in the various singing, horn playing, barking, and motor revving Christmas toys,

its time for him to get started on dinner...  chili, guacamole, etc.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Changing Seasons

Getting ready for overall cooler weather in Texas (meaning we'll still have occasional 80 or 90 degree days), entails cleaning, redressing and moving the plants from the patio into the Sun Room. Since the TV weathermen all agree we'll be getting hit by a cold front in the next 24 - 48 hours, I decided today was the day for the plant move.

View from the hall, before.

View from the hall, after.

View from the kitchen, before.

View from the kitchen, after.

T'is done. All that's left is to "sweep" the patio with the lawn blower.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Country Living

For many years now, Country Living has been my favorite magazine. But I am not alone. My mom would always check out the latest issue, there's almost always one on my coffee table. When she found something she liked, she'd take the page[s] and implement the ideas in her home. Her favorite, and mine, was the 'mirror wall' she created using several sizes of mirrors, all framed in black, for her yellow and black bath. 

My hubby, who is a terrific cook, has used several recipes from CL, including this one for Onion Pie.

 He's even commented on decorating ideas he likes. ;-/

The newest CL fan is Erica.

She was looking at the October issue, which has lots of Halloween ideas... including the cake/cupcakes I did a couple of weeks ago. 

As she started to fold down a page corner, I gave her some Post-it flags to mark whatever page she liked.

She continued to browse thru the magazine while her mom and I visited 






 well, she's at least a fan of the Halloween issue.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Good Day

Started the day by picking up Kayla for an all day visit.

Kayla and Boompa were 'twinkies' with black tees and red shorts.

After a wonderful Boompa breakfast - Lil Sizzlers, eggs and cinnamon rolls - and a trip to the store, we baked a cake and some cupcakes to decorate with a Halloween theme. Sonia, Alec, Damian and Willow arrived just in time to assist with the decorating.

The decoration was adapted from the fall issue of Country Living Magazine.

Left: cupcakes & chocolate filled chocolate crackers.
Right: Single layer cake.
"Cupcake Graveyard"

The cake and cupcakes were set aside while we had Chili Dogs with the usual accompaniment. Some days nothin beats chili dogs and today was one of those days.

To expend a little energy and maybe burn off a few calories ;-), we had a rousing game of Skip-Bo.

The 'Graveyard Cupcakes' were yummy and very rich. Sonia, et. al. headed out to retrieve Mike from work and Kayla left to prepare for her return to Denton. During the lull I took a minute to arrange this weeks floral bouquet.

The remainder of the Cook clan, who had just returned from their band trip, dropped by to finish up the chili dogs, have a couple of cupcakes, and relax with an adult beverage (or 2). By then it was time to make their way home to prepare for the next week.

Off and on during the day we enjoyed the sound of rain falling on the parched earth. A couple of inches of rain today, plus what fell last night, brings welcome moisture to our north Texas landscapes and lakes.
All in all, a good day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I purchased three Lantana plants in the spring: all at the same time, from the same store, with the same labels. But in the process of watering them this morning, I noticed one of the plants was not like the others. Two of the plants have wide leaves and a combination of pink and yellow blooms. The third plant has narrow leaves and its blooms are just yellow.

Yellow & Pink Blooms

Yellow Blooms

Wide leaves on the left. Narrow leaves on the right.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Love Books

I've loved books from the moment I learned to read. 

Aside from the simple delight of reading, I'm amazed by the ability of authors to transport me to other places and times I could never visit on my own, or give me insight into those locations I was eventually fortunate enough to visit.

Novel w/great background of Irish Troubles.

This is one of the books I go back periodically and re-read.

Through books, both fiction and non-fiction, my knowledge and understanding of history, events, and time periods have been greatly expanded and the historical persons and fictional characters in those books have enriched my life.

Autographed books

I bought my first autographed book back in 1968. I was working at the Mercantile Bank. One day David Wade was signing his latest cook book at the Skillern's Drug Store (on the first floor of the bank building), so I bought one to give my s-n-l as a shower gift.

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Hearing an ad on the radio that Walter Cronkite signing was his book at the mall I  was passing on my way home. I parked, got in line... and waited. They announced his time was running out, but that there were 'signed book plates'. I decided to stay in line and as he was leaving he shook hands with those of us still there. He was a ubiquitous icon as I was growing up and I'm glad to have his book in my library.

Several of the autographed books I've purchased were for Bo.
The circumstances of buying 'You're Out...' were similar to Cronkite's... I happened to be going to the book store anyway and the author was there signing his book. 

 I purchased Medal of Honor and Doc
at a Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Garland 
 Senior Citizens' Center.
'Cap' was what the guys called Bo in the service.

F. Lee Bailey
The Defense Never Rests.

I have no recollection of the date, time, place or circumstances of purchasing this particular book.
I do vaguely remember meeting Mr. Bailey and shaking his hand... but that's it.

One of my favorite books

One of the WWII books I most treasure is a First Edition of William L. Shirer's Berlin Diary. Shirer was one of 'Morrow's Boys' who reported on happenings in Berlin shortly before the US entered the war.

There's more to tell, but no more time today.

Monday, June 27, 2011

March vs June

It was a long dry spell between camping trips... Spring Break 2010 to June 2011. Both times we camped at Eisenhower State Park. March 2010 was on the cool side. 

That chilly Friday night, as usual, we built a fire for roasting Weiners (not Anthony) for Chili Dogs and marshmallows to make S'mores. 

It was even colder on Saturday morning when Boompa and Misti worked together to create a Fritatta for breakfast. Then the 'kids' returned to Garland and it was just KayKay, Boompa and Whitney.

For the rest of Saturday we took walks, played games, read and cooked up a huge pot of stew. 

During the night the snow fell. 

The remains of our campfire; covered in snow

It was cold outside, but we were cozy in our shelter. 

We definitely wouldn't have been as comfortable without our trusty space heater, which we had purchased from the just as trusty Denison Wal-mart (5 miles from our campsite) a couple of years earlier.

On Sunday morning the snow had completely melted away, the sun was shining 
and the birds were singing. 
In fact, this cardinal woke us up.

This is Shelter #8 in March 2010.
  The trip of June 2011 was considerably warmer. The trees around Shelter #8 were leafy so we couldn't see as much of the lake, but they also provided shade. The first night's menu, as tradition dictates, was chili dogs and chips. 
After the sun went down it was time to ramp up the campfire for roasting marshmallows to make S'mores.

There was no need for a heater; the fans were the heros of the weekend. 
Saturday morning we had two Fritatas; one bacon, one sausage along with bananas and grapes.


As the day wore on, some found that a nap was needed.
For the adults, our athletic activity was limited to playing a trivia game and "chasing the shade", i.e. moving our chairs to stay in the shade.

Lunch was a refreshing Tuna Salad, chips and fresh fruit.

In the afternoon, water guns, water balloons and a trip to the swimming hole (which required a drive and a hike) helped cool things off for the younger set. 

Well, except for the ones that got too much sun... Right, Kayla?


Shoot it up in the air.
Catch it in your mouth?
Squirting Sisters

Ruby, Star and Whitney just enjoyed being outside in the fresh air.
Whitney was thrilled that she had just gotten a new hair cut.

Dinner was ham, slow heated over the campfire (nothing better); cabbage, quick cooked over the same fire; fried potatoes-n-onions (okay, the electric skillet was used for this), a yummy pasta salad and rolls (brought by Nicole) and fruit. 

Neither Willow, nor any of the rest of us, had trouble sleeping.
KayKay pulled the plug on Willow's air bed.
Willow wasn't her happiest at being awakened.

BoomPa made his signature "Deep-Fried Cinnamon Roll Bites". YUM!!!
They went perfectly with our left-over Fritattas and fruit.

We had a great weekend and hope it's not another 15 months before we can go camping again. 

Hopefully, next time we'll be able to go to either Meridian or Lake Mineral Wells State Park. At both of those, the shelters are right on the water.

Record size fish have been caught at Meridian, just not by BoomPa.
Fishing pier is just steps from the Meridian Shelters (1-6).
View of a sunset from Meridian Shelters (1-6).

Peninsula Shelter (from Shelter #5).

Shelter #5 (from Peninsula).